• 13.2.2025 13.45

Kuhmon Ilmailukerho r.y.

Perustettu 1959

Kuhmo Fly-In in English

kesä 27, 2011

Kuhmo Flying Club is proud to welcome pilots and aviation enthusiasts from all around the world to take part to one of the most remote Fly-Ins in Europe. Even though it is not as far north as possible it is one of the interesting, remote airfields in Finland. You’ll find several other interesting spots to visit within an hour’s flight (e.g. EFLN, EFII, EFKI, EFSU etc.)

Kuhmo fly-in offering is as follows:

– free landing & parking

– fuel service (automotive) if necessary

– transportation to Kuhmo center if required

– inexpensive buffet for visitors during the day

– interested local audience & flying around most beautiful Kainuu

– experience sharing with fellow pilots

– probably some parachute jumping

– maybe even RC helicopter show

– for interested – a leading Chamber Music Festival in the world (please see www.kuhmofestival.fi for details)

– and evening occasion at Chamber Music fish tent restaurant with Kuhmo Flying Club establishing members!

Further official information about EFKH is available at https://ais.fi/ais/vfr/aerodromes/EFKH.html#999212 and something in Finnish at http://lentopaikat.net/efkh.shtml


– Inform about your arrival at latest 5 minutes before traffic circuit

– Please avoid flying over central Kuhmo (3 kms away) during concerts to not to disturb concert recordings (please see unofficial LDG chart for details)

– basic accomodation probably arrangable by request, probably even by a lake. Please contact info@kuik.fi for further details.